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TN governor, Jaya greets people on eve of Pongal

By 24X7Cineworld - Sunday 15 January 2012

Tamil Nadu Governor K Rosaiah and Chief Minister Jayalalithaa led a host of leaders in extending greetings to people on the eve of harvest festival Pongal, which also marks the beginning of auspicious Tamil month 'Thai'.
"On the happy occasion of Pongal - the 'Harvest Festival' and Sankranthi, I extend my heartiest greetings and best wishes to the people living all over the country," Rosaiah said in a Raj Bhavan statement.
He wished that these festivals promote unity and harmony among people and usher in peace and prosperity. In her greetings, Jayalalithaa said she prayed the Almighty for all-round prosperity and said the festival reaffirmed the need for compassion and truth.
"To provide food to others before self is a divine characteristic. The farmers who are working with this motive fit that bill. Therefore my government is taking all steps to ensure their welfare," she said in a statement.
Unlike the previous year, this time Pongal will be celebrated as the harvest festival alone and not as Tamil New Year, as the Jayalalithaa government had reversed the previous DMK government move in this regard, fixing it to the month of Chithirai (April) according to the Tamil calendar.
However, DMK chief M Karunanidhi insisted that he would continue to celebrate Pongal as Tamil New Year day.
"The regime change has not only affected various schemes implemented by us but also stopped an initiative that was aimed at upholding the Tamil tradition," he said in response to ruling AIADMK's decision to shift the Tamil New Year to April.
In a party release, he extended his greetings to all on the occasion of Pongal.
DMDK founder and Opposition Leader Vijayakant, TNCC president BS Gnanadesikan, PMK founder S Ramadoss and BJP state unit president Pon Radhakrishnan also greeted the people.

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